Tuesday, April 21, 2009

As we prepare for her funeral, all is going as smoothly as it can. We have most of the plans set and the viewing is on Friday the 24th from 6-8 pm at the local church house and the funeral on Saturday beginning at 12:30 pm at the same chapel followed by the burial at Mt. View Memorial Cemetery. We have set up a donation account in her name at Zions Bank. Anyone wishing to contribute to help with the funeral is much appreciated and many thanks from us.

thank you for all of your support through this endeavor.
Love you all,
Brandon and Sarah Coon

Monday, April 20, 2009

Sorry everyone we wasnt think straight and cant focus on anything right now but we did make an error it is in memory of Cathleen Davidson Dec. 9, 1951 to Apr. 19, 2009. Thank you everyone for the love and support it is very much needed.
Love you All
Brandon & Sarah

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Unfortunately Cathy did not respond to the medication and has passed on. We will miss her dearly and will miss her smile here on this earth. We would like to thank all those that have been a support and have stood by us for these past few weeks. We pray that God will take care of our mother, grandmother, wife, friend and sister and that she will be with us in spirit always. She left a legacy that will always be remembered and will never be forgotten. Again, thank you all for all that you have done for us. In rememberance Cathleen Davidson December 19, 1952 - April 19, 2009.
Our mother has not responded to the medicines to help her heart get better. The doctors are doing all that they can for her. We ask all of that read this to pray for her at this time.

Brandon and Sarah

Saturday, April 18, 2009

We received a call from the hospital around midnight telling us that she had an irregular heart beat and that they had to shock her heart back into a regular rythum and that they moved her back up to the fifth floor for the time being. She is concious and alert but they are keeping a close eye on her for now. The doctor is on his way in to see her and talk to her about what has happened. That is all we know for now. We visited with her earlier today and she was having a rough day but seemed to be in good spirits when we came to see her. The staff was taking good care of her and her vitals and blood sugar looked good. We will know more about how this will affect her coming home when we go back tomorrow. We will let you all know as soon as we can.
Please keep her in your prayers that she will recover from this quickly and get back on track to coming home as soon as possible.

Love you all,
Brandon and Sarah

Thursday, April 16, 2009

cathleen is doing well she is off the oxegen tube and eating saoled food's now and moving around
on her own with some help from nurses but she's doing better that's my wife she's a trooper like they say you can't keep a good women down LOL .bLOOD presurs good and oxegen good.( 2 ).thums up.

cathleen's update